Transformation Tuesday

Metro Theater Company’s Technical Director and Production Manager Erik Kuhn recreated a scene from our 2016 production, Out of the Box, with what he had available at home. How did he do?

Here’s what Erik shared:

“I chose our Theatre for the Very Young piece Out of the Box, partly because it had a smaller cast size in the photos and I knew I could more easily recreate it at home, but also because I did very much enjoy working on that show and building the various boxes connected to the production. 

The original design had three boxes, but as the devising continued, it was cut down to a single box. We had already built two of the boxes, so the larger of the two became the feature of the playroom/lobby for the very young audience to play in/around after the show. I also gathered countless large appliance boxes from hardware stores, painting them and cutting doors in the sides to create more boxes to explore. After the show, the kids reentered the lobby to find the boxes set out, allowing them to use their imagination as encouraged by the performance they had just watched.

We still have those boxes, and the larger box lived in the corner of the studio for quite some time. Which worked out well for me, as I was contracting on and off with the company at that point, so I didn't have an office space of my own. I turned the large box into my own personal hideaway office in the studio!”

What can you create?

Here are some scenes from past Metro Theater Company productions. Can you recreate these scenes in your home? Send your photos to or message us on Facebook or Instagram, #mtcwithyou. Have fun!

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 2016. (Photo: John Lamb)

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, 2016. (Photo: John Lamb)

Bud, Not Buddy, 2018. (Photo: John Lamb)

Bud, Not Buddy, 2018. (Photo: John Lamb)

The Girl Who Swallowed a Cactus, 2019. (Photo: Jennifer A. Lin)

The Girl Who Swallowed a Cactus, 2019. (Photo: Jennifer A. Lin)

It’s a Wonderful Life, 2019 (Photo: Jennifer A. Lin)

It’s a Wonderful Life, 2019 (Photo: Jennifer A. Lin)

The Hundred Dresses, 2019. (Photo: Dan Donovan)

The Hundred Dresses, 2019. (Photo: Dan Donovan)

Ghost, 2020. (Photo: Jennifer A. Lin)

Ghost, 2020. (Photo: Jennifer A. Lin)


Flashback Friday: April 24


Flashback Friday: April 17