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Meet Jacob Cange,
Summer Camp Teaching Artist

If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be and why?
A baby cow! They are so cute and cuddly. I met a baby cow once and it was the most excited gentle creature.

What is your favorite snack food?
Snyders Honey Mustard and Onion pretzel bites. I don't eat them all the time because they make my breath smell bad!

What do you enjoy about teaching young people?
I remember when I fell in love with acting and theater. It has opened so many doors for me in my life personally and as an artist in general. I enjoy seeing progress in my students, watching them make some of the same discoveries I made myself when I first started learning about theater. I am continually surprised at how open, honest, and empathetic young people are.

What do you love about theater?
Theater teaches all of us stories about ourselves. It helps us to see each other and relate to one another like no other art form. Though we can see many compelling stories on television and film, theater is live and in front of you. It challenges as well as entertains an audience of real people. I love the way that theater can serve as a reflection and connection point for our communities.

Photo: Chris Bauer


Jacob’s Bio

Jacob has been a mainstay in the St. Louis theater scene after graduating from Webster Conservatory in 2018. He appeared as an actor in Metro Theater Company's Frida Libre and The Hundred Dresses. He then joined Metro Theater Company in the 2019-2020 season to assistant stage manage the regional tour of The Girl Who Swallowed a Cactus. He also appeared in Whammy!: Seven Secrets to a Sane Self  at The Young Liars Theater. During the 2019-2020 season, Jacob also served as the Assistant Technical Director at the New Jewish TheaterWith his multi-faced background, he is so excited to join Metro once again to help strengthen our community through the power of theater education.

Photo: Chris Bauer


St. Louis All City Boxing Club & Cassius Clay


Theatre for Young Audiences/USA Landmark Report