St. Louis All City Boxing Club

“I've loved boxing since I was a kid. I think that there is something to be said for the amount of confidence, skill, and determination it takes to stand in the ring alone with your opponent. I love watching the combination of strategy and talent combined with the heart to overcome.”
— Ami Mackey

In preparation for our 2016 production of And In This Corner: Cassius Clay by Idris Goodwin, Metro Theater Company partnered with Ami and Bill Mackey of St. Louis All City Boxing. The two now live in California and have fond memories of their time with MTC’s actors and audiences. We reconnected with Ami recently and asked her some questions about her St. Louis experiences.

How did St. Louis All City Boxing Club get started?
We started All City out of a love of boxing and an abundance of energy we wanted to direct toward helping kids find a purpose. It was a simple idea. Create a safe space for kids, give them something to do, teach them how to set goals and have the discipline to do the work required to achieve them. It ended up being much more than that. More complicated and more heartfelt than we ever imagined. It was free for kids to join, required good grades in school to participate and offered the opportunity to travel to tournaments and other gyms to practice. We gave kids a place to be, a team to be part of and an opportunity to learn new skills both in the ring and out.

What are some of your favorite memories of St. Louis All City Boxing Club?
There are just so many! Watching the kids really become a team and form friendships they will never forget with kids all over the country. All of the travel games we played on road trips, singing the Hamilton soundtrack, over and over again and the truckloads of laughter. Plus, watching them win, because every win is so important when you are ten and being there for them when they didn't.

What are some of your favorite memories from our production of And In This Corner: Cassius Clay?
The day we came to Metro to work with the potential cast members! The boys were so professional as they taught the actors how to move like a boxer. All the while being so enamored with the process and excited for the opportunity to be part of it. Watching their faces during the play was priceless! I think the kids that participated will have a love for theater for the rest of their lives.

Metro Theater Company actors learned about boxing at St. Louis All City Boxing Club in 2015 and 2016. Do you have any favorite memories from those experiences?
That was so much fun! It was another opportunity for the kids to see how their efforts in the gym developed into a serious skill that they could also teach to others. Plus the day the camera crew came to film at our gym. They made a friend of Nine Network Producer, Kara Vaniger immediately! It was really neat being able to expose the kids to so many possible career paths that require the same sort of dedication that they put forth in the gym.

What do you love about boxing?
I've loved boxing since I was a kid. I think that there is something to be said for the amount of confidence, skill, and determination it takes to stand in the ring alone with your opponent. I love watching the combination of strategy and talent combined with the heart to overcome.

What advice might you give a young person who may be struggling with a lot of fear and anxiety right now? It's a scary world these days. Make sure you are getting outside for some exercise. Even just jumping rope on the sidewalk. Staying active can improve your mood and really help reduce your anxiety. It's cool to stay informed, but try not to consume too much news or social media. Unplug for a while and find a book to read. Escaping into an interesting story can be a great way to give your brain a break from all that is going on.

What made Muhammad Ali so unique and loved?
He understood that anyone can work hard and win, but it took more than that to be a star. He put just as much time and energy into his life as a boxer outside the ring. He entertained the world with his wit and stood by his convictions despite the consequences. He was as tender as he was tough. Making thoughtful recordings for his daughter and leaving an indelible mark on a nation.

What are you up to now and are you still involved with boxing?
We relocated to California in late 2016 for work. Closing the gym was so hard! We are no longer involved with boxing at the club level. We are still in touch with many of the All City boxers and boxers and coaches from around the country. We live in Oakland where we have a pottery studio to keep us busy when we aren't at work.

Bill and Ami Mackey

Bill and Ami Mackey


The Life of Muhammad Ali: Book Recommendations


Summer Camp Teaching Artist: Jacob Cange