Meet Joseph Albitar


This past summer, seven community leaders, including Joseph Albitar, joined Metro Theater Company’s Board of Directors. We are excited to shine a spotlight on Joseph so you can get to know him!

What do you enjoy about theater or theater for young audiences?
All of it. There is a difference between theater and movies. In theater you connect more with the story and the characters playing the role. It’s more personable. As for the kids, it adds a different dimension to storytelling.

Describe a favorite MTC memory or moment.
I’m still new to MTC, but I enjoyed the After Dark gala—the simplicity of the message and of course a few laughs.

How did you get involved with MTC?
Some of the MTC board members also serve with me on the Fontbonne University Board. They asked if I would join.

Describe something that you've learned during the pandemic.
Kindness, forgiveness, value of friendship. And of course what not to do… next time.

What are two fun facts about yourself?
I’m a father of five girls… If that’s not fun I don’t know what is! I’m a passionate and caring person who believe in treating everyone with decency and fairness.

If you could go back in time and tell your ten-year-old self something, what would you say?
Don’t kiss the neighbor’s daughter, because her Dad is going to catch me!? And to be myself no matter what comes. Be me, but loosen up a little and have some fun. Things are not as bad as they seem.


Up Next: Dec 6


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