Early Days
Stories of the Pandemic:
A St. Louis COVID-19 Digital Play
Written by John Wolbers
Premiered Wednesday, July 29 at 6:30 pm CDT
Followed by a Q&A
FREE event
Co-commissioned and premiered by Metro Theater Company and The Missouri Historical Society
All stories were inspired by submissions to The Missouri Historical Society’s Stories of the Pandemic Digital Archive and Metro Theater Company’s COVID-19 Memory Project. With input from Julia Flood, Jacob Cannon, and the Apprentices of the Teens Make History program.
Metro Theater Company and the Missouri Historical Society have collaborated to document how our St. Louis region is experiencing the historic COVID-19 pandemic. Sharing stories can help us feel more connected, while we are physically distant, and remind us we are facing this challenge together. Inspired by submissions from people of all backgrounds, the two organizations have created one fifteen-minute story of a fictional St. Louis family’s experience navigating the changes, perspectives, emotions, and hopes we all share. Featuring actors, Jacqueline Thompson, Nicholas Kryah, and Teens Make History Apprentice, Madeline Emke, for this live-streamed story of resilience.
Ladue News: St. Louis Area Theater Groups and Arts Festivals Re-imagine Live Performances

Metro Theater Company’s
COVID-19 Memory Project