Meet Gen Zoufal,
Summer Camp Teaching Artist

If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be and why?
I would have a sloth or a goat, but either way, they would be wearing pajamas. Have you seen a sloth or a goat in pajamas? Cuteness overload!

What is your favorite snack food?
My favorite snack food is Cheez-its! Cheese and a cracker rolled into one? So convenient!

What do you enjoy about teaching young people?
I love that young people are always teaching me! I always learn so much when I am working with young actors in camp. I also feel inspired by the way our campers create a community that takes care of one another in just a short amount of time!

What do you love about theater?​
I love that theater helps us learn about people who have experiences that are different than our own! We can discover so much! Also, when I was a theater camper myself, I loved that acting could be an escape from my everyday life! Growing up, when I was dealing with challenges, theater class was a time to put down those struggles and just be creative with my friends.


Summer camp scholarships are available.

Watch one of Gen’s videos from our Learning Through Play in the Arts series.


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From Managing Director Joe Gfaller