Meet Erica Wilson


This past summer, seven community leaders, including Erica Wilson, joined Metro Theater Company’s Board of Directors. We are excited to shine a spotlight on Erica so you can get to know her!

What do you enjoy about theater for young audiences?
Theater in its truest form helps young audiences engage their sense of imagination and connect with relatable or never before experienced characters and stories. The ability for us to feel a range of emotions and build an increased awareness is one of the best ways to develop an appreciation for similarities and differences in people.

Describe a favorite MTC memory or moment.
My favorite MTC moment occurred just recently - the virtual After Dark gala held in September of this year. It was incredible to see this event shift to being an online experience.

How did you get involved with MTC?
I was familiar with MTC, but became an official part of MTC family as a result of connections in my peer network through involvement with a few advisory boards in the St. Louis area.

Describe something that you've learned during the pandemic.
As the normal hustle and bustle of life has slowed, the extra time to read, rest, and reflect has been rewarding. I’ve learned that with “more” time on my hands the best use of it is when I am intentional about focusing on what matters most. Lastly, technology has been the key for keeping us connected. If ever there was a time to appreciate the benefits of technology… it is now.

What are two fun facts about yourself?
I am mother to an amazing 6-year-old daughter who just may have a place in theater someday. She truly is a natural on camera and stage! Although the pandemic has put a halt to this for now, I love to hear and attend live music bands/concerts.

If you could go back in time and tell your ten-year-old self something, what would you say?
I would tell my 10-year-old self to “always show up with confidence, you never know who you are inspiring.”


Up Next: Nov 22


Up Next: Nov 15