Meet Amy Hoch Hogenson


This past summer, seven community leaders, including Amy Hoch Hogenson, joined Metro Theater Company’s Board of Directors. We are excited to shine a spotlight on Amy so you can get to know her!

What do you enjoy about theater for young audiences?
I love the excitement of seeing the stage, not knowing what will happen, and engaging with the crowd with the story!

Describe a favorite MTC memory or moment.
Our September Gala! What an exciting night, great storytelling, in a positive way of pivoting during COVID.

How did you get involved with MTC?
I have been fortunate to know Joe Gfaller for many years. He worked with my mother-in-law at American Repertory Theater in Boston. What a small world. She connected me to Joe and I knew I had to be involved with Metro!

Describe something that you've learned during the pandemic.
Resilience. We have learned to do more, be more, have more patience, than we ever could imagine as parents, spouses, and in our work and life!

What are two fun facts about yourself?
I love skiing with the family and I’m a published author!

If you could go back in time and tell your ten-year-old self something, what would you say?
Patience is key and kindness above all else!


Up Next: Nov 29


Up Next: Nov 22