Thoughtful Thursday

On the last Thoughtful Thursday of the school year, Team Education is thankful to all of you for playing along with us as we learn at home together! Here are a few of our favorite moments from the past two months. We've had a blast sharing our daily education activities with you. We are now gearing up for a creative summer of virtual camp, which starts on June 8! Hope to see you there!

Karen Bain

I chose to take a photo with Chip because I had so much fun creating our learning at home videos with my husband Ben. He was so proud of this simple yet brilliant puppet that he created, and he has been such a wonderful and supportive partner to create content with!

Gen Zoufal

I loved the Thoughtful Thursday where everyone sent in pictures of the chalk and window art around their neighborhoods. Finding the ways that young people and families are using art to lift their community up was inspiring.

Phoebe Richards

I had fun talking about Wonder because I love the idea of precepts, of finding guiding principles for life that are meaningful to you. I also just had to wear the crown again from the costume re-creation I did for one of our Warm-Up Wednesdays!


Intergenerational Storytelling Workshops


Warm-Up Wednesday: May 20