Meet Karen Bain,
Education & Summer Camp Director

If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be and why?
A giraffe! They are so cute and cool and I am fascinated with how they move.

What is your favorite snack food?
I love to snack, so it’s hard to pick one thing. I love crunchy chips and crackers, chocolate chips, and peanut butter out of the jar.

What do you enjoy about teaching young people?
It’s an honor to witness a young person discover their identity and voice, and create personal connections to what we are exploring. As a life-long learner, co-learning with my students is one of my favorite parts of being a teaching artist.

What do you love about theater?
I love how theater creates community, dialogue, and serves as a mirror to reflect stories that represent all aspects of humanity.



Summer Camp Teaching Artist: Phoebe Richards