Teaching Artist Highlights

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Meet Sarah Anne Patz
Creative Movement Teaching Artist
Online Creative Arts Camp

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
I'd like to fly. I want to travel fast from one place to another, and I love seeing the world from high up. 

What is your favorite part of camping or being outdoors?
Watching the sky change colors at sunset and observing the night sky.

What is the best part about using your imagination?
I can go anywhere and be with anyone I choose!

What is your favorite part of teaching young people?
Their imaginations are untethered to adult problems!


Meet Tali Light
Visual Arts Teaching Artist
Online Creative Arts Camp

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
If I could have any superpower, it would be the power of healing touch. With a simple touch, I could cure cancer, viruses, broken bones, or anything that causes another person pain.

What is your favorite part of camping or being outdoors?
Being outside in nature is one of my favorite places to be. It is a major stress reliever for me to be outdoors where the simple beauty of a bird, flower, or tree can become my main focus. It helps me slow down and be in the moment. One of my favorite parts about camping is that I can be out in nature at night. I love sitting around a campfire and looking up at the stars!

What is the best part about using your imagination?
When you use your imagination, anything is possible. Your ideas can go anywhere you want, and that opens you up to all kinds of creativity.

What is your favorite part of teaching young people?
I love teaching young people because they are really good at using their imaginations! They think freely and are willing to try new things without too much judgement when it comes to art making. And it's a reciprocal relationship because I always learn new things from my students.


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